Hannah Crayton
B.S Computer Systems Engineering, UAA
Major: Computer Systems Engineering;
Minors: Physics & Math;
Year: 3rd (estimated grad : Fall 2020);
From: Anchorage, AK;
Future Goals:
- Improve my engineering skills through an undergrad internship;
- Expand my knowledge in coding languages, machine learning, and artificial intelligence;
- Become an astronaut;
Working at the University of Alaska Plasma Science and Engineering Laboratory (UAAPSEL) has been a great way for me to learn about plasma and stay in touch with the innovation currently happening around the world in plasma physics. Being be able to apply my current knowledge of code while learning and improving my skills to create an accesible platform to showcase the work being done by the UAA Plasma Team is an amazing opportunity I'm grateful to be included in.
Plasma physics is a dynamic, innovative field.